Module 8: User Experience Design
Explore Analogous Inspiration
Why should you use this method?
- To break out familiar patterns
- To provoke new areas of thinking
- Spark new insights
What do you mean by exploring analogous inspiration?
The longer we’ve been working in a particular context or system, the harder it can be to break out of familiar patterns and ways of solving problems. Looking for inspiration far outside our usual field of view can help spark new insights while keeping us grounded in the deeper emotional needs of the people we want to serve. This helps unlock radically fresh perspectives.
How can you explore analogous inspirations?
1. Choose the moment
Choose a piece of the service, experience, or problem you want to focus on.
2. Identify the emotion
Identify one emotion you want to evoke in your audience of focus.
3. Brainstorm analogous experiences
Brainstorm other services, experiences, or solutions that evoke that emotion. Choose one to move forward with. Then explore how that analogous service, experience, or solution evokes that emotion.
4. Redefine the problem statement
Fill in the statement: How might we make (our service, experience, or problem) more like (analogous service, experience, or solution)?
5. Brainstorm ideas
Use the statement for a second brainstorm to generate new ideas for your context.