Module 3: Prototyping, Testing & Experimentation
Prototypes that Explain
These are the prototypes that you need for pitching, presentation, or an introduction but not used for testing.
Here are some of the prototyping techniqes that can be used to explain your idea:
1. Mockups
Mockups are scaled or full-sized models of your product or service. Physical mockups can be created using inexpensive materials, such as Styrofoam, Play-Doh, Legos, or 3D printers.
2. Storyboard
Think of this as a cartoon with five to ten panels, showing the key elements of the solution. This can be created on paper, digitally, or using video. It is a visualization technique. This method helps you identify problems that would not have been obvious at the beginning stage of conceiving the idea.
3. User / customer journey
This is a visual description of a day in the life of a user with your solution. The journey map is a synthetic representation that describes step-by-step how a user interacts with a service. The process is mapped from the user perspective, describing what happens at each stage of the interaction, what touchpoints are involved, what obstacles and barriers they may encounter. The journey map is often integrated as an additional layer representing the level of positive/negative emotions experienced throughout the interaction.
4. Flow charts
A great technique for services is to use a flow chart in which you specify the roles and responsibilities for everyone involved in the delivery of the service, the tasks to be performed by whom, and the order in which they are to be performed.
Flow charts are a great way to both visualize an existing process and prototype a new one.