Module 4: Team Dynamics & Leadership
Team Health Check
Team problems account for about half of all innovation failures. To understand how your team is performing and increase its success rate, evaluate it on the different performance criteria. Then take a moment to reflect on how well your team meets up to the four enabling conditions.
Very often, problems in performance can be traced to one or more of these conditions. Understanding these links will help your team to perform.
Download the template to distribute and discuss performance criteria and enabling conditions. To make the feedback workable, encourage team members to add comments and reasoning to their answers. You might also consider conducting the survey online, using any tool of your choice.
Do a regular health check-up on your team, using these questions to guide your analysis.
Think carefully about the links between performance and enabling conditions to understand how best to remedy potential problems.
If you identify more severe issues, deal with them, and engage in an honest discussion with your teammates or superiors.