Module 6: Sprint Design & Facilitation
In-Person Facilitation
What is In-Person Facilitation?
When a design sprint is conducted physically, you (or someone) will be in charge of running and executing the design sprint.
Things to keep in mind while running in-person sessions:
- A diverse group size of 20-24 people in a room is easy to manage.
- A team size of 4 is ideal for executing teamwork. This ensures competition between teams and makes it easy to track progress.
- Split the group into smaller teams in the same room. This saves a lot of time and energy while trying to regroup them.
- Print or draw the templates on A1 size sheets for the teams to work on in directly using sticky notes.
- Have a war room ready to conduct the entire workshop.
- Keep taking pictures and documenting all the work throughout the session.
It is important to set the ground rules before starting the session and set behaviour expectations. Some rules for in-person sessions are:
- No use of mobiles or laptops during the session
- No blah blah
- Yellow hats only, no black hats
- Be creative, be a rebel
Why is it important to have a war room?
- To have an actual space where a group of people can work on the sprint
- A place to co-design and collaborate
- A place to validate assumptions
- You can stand in front of the wall and see what is going on within your sprint
- You can interact immediately with what you see
- You can invite others into your room for feedback and input
- It is easy to document the process. All the information is displayed in one place
How to set up such a room?
Find a location that sparks creativity and takes the participants out of their comfort zone
Claim a room for the duration of the sprint
Ensure this room has a lot of wall space you can use. You can also add stand-alone display boards to add more wall surfaces
Table set up for teams. It has to be moveable tables that can be format in such a way that every team has their own table.
Have sufficient space to move around
Sufficient daylight coming into the room
Print the templates large scale, minimum A1 size
Create different corners of the walls for the various stages of the sprint
The setup of the room should translate into a story
The door to the war room should always be open
The room should always have refreshments, water and candies for external guests who will be providing feedback and input